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Whom Do I Contact with a question or suggestion?

Lake Geneva Schools’ communication protocols help promote direct, open, and respectful interactions so that we quickly and efficiently resolve problems and concerns. The communication protocol starts with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person usually has the most information. However, at times, additional personnel are required to resolve specific concerns. Appropriate communication channels for a variety of topics are listed below.

  • Academic or Classroom concerns should first be addressed with the classroom teacher.
  • School wide concerns should first be addressed to the school principal or associate principal.
  • District level concerns should first be addressed with the administrator responsible for the program or service. 

Communication Protocol

School Office

Phone: 262-348-3000
Fax: 262-248-3092


Health Office

Phone: 262-348-3002


600 N. Bloomfield Street
Lake Geneva, WI 53147


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Staff Directory

1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 20 of 89 constituents
Erendida Amador

Erendida Amador

Titles: Health Paraprofessional
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3007
Vjolca Asani

Vjolca Asani

Titles: Science Teacher
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3505
Hunter Aulds

Hunter Aulds

Titles: Orchestra Director
Locations: Badger High School, Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-2000 ext. 2796
Gabriela Bailey

Gabriela Bailey

Titles: Paraprofessional
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3417
Sandy Bays

Sandy Bays

Titles: Paraprofessional
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3416
David Booth

David Booth

Titles: Career and Consumer Finance
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3211
Mary Buscanics-Jones

Mary Buscanics-Jones

Titles: Band Lessons
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3327
Tanya Butke

Tanya Butke

Titles: Spanish Teacher
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3205
Angela Capes

Angela Capes

Titles: Art Teacher
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3201
MaryAnn Carrizales

MaryAnn Carrizales

Titles: Technical Support Specialist
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-2000 ext. 2622
George Chironis

George Chironis

Titles: Director of Business Services
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1070
Valerie Collins

Valerie Collins

Titles: Program Support Teacher
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1106
Carey Denecke

Carey Denecke

Titles: Office Assistant
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1004
Rebecca Derrick

Rebecca Derrick

Titles: Social Studies Teacher
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3313

Scott Dever

Titles: Paraprofessional
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000
Melissa Dodge

Melissa Dodge

Titles: District SIS Specialist
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-2000 ext. 2621
Tom Dummer

Tom Dummer

Titles: 7th Grade Teacher
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext.3411
Paul Duncan

Paul Duncan

Titles: Social Studies Teacher
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3422
Holly Eckola

Holly Eckola

Titles: Director of Marketing & Communications
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1103
Annette Fernandez

Annette Fernandez

Titles: Custodial
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3070
1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 20 of 89 constituents